Category Archives: D’Arcy Pupdates

What to expect when you enquire after a puppy from any responsible and verified Hungarian Vizsla breeder.

Firstly, I thank you for reading this as part of your research into the adoption of a Vizsla rescue or a puppy.  And from the offset we must state we are not professional breeder’s; however, we are very responsible ones.  Hopefully, this short Blog will answer some of your questions with a detailed description of […]

Hungarian Vizsla Puppy Simple steps to help safeguard the future Health and Welfare of the breed

The following information was provided by the following organisations,   Vizsla Health UK; * Vizsla Health UK – Immune Mediated Illness, Vizsla Sibling Finder Facebook Groups. *VHUK – IMI (Supporting life critical dogs and their families only). published on the 20th of January  2021. through the Facebook platform.  This information is a must read for anyone […]